Cancer thriver trying to live my best life with as many smiles as I can. Still fighting the fight, I was diagnosed in 2017, waiting to hear the words, your in remission.
Until then I hope to continue to spread awareness about this journey, even the messy parts. When I was diagnosed I dove into my love of art. I needed to create to save me. As each day is it's own. From the Lymphedema, Neuropathy, Seizures, PTSD and the memory issues... I've learned to take each day as it comes and do the best that I can in the day I was given. Day by day...

To the days I forget everything.
My words started to escape me
My places and times started playing tricks on me
Objects became objects without names
And I lost names to faces I see on a daily
My favorite songs I sing along misplaced lyrics just make me hum along
Missed spelling and back words writing
Ive walk into rooms to question why I walked into them
That stare that makes me look dazed
Chemo related they said
The fight that I keep fighting
Fights me back
But I am stronger then my weakest self
I might not remember my words
I might end up someplace
To have to back track
And the cup I keep forgetting it's name
I might have to find you a new one
Those of you that I can't remember your name
Your face will be stained in me forever
The music that feeds me
If I had no tongue
Humming would be my lyrics
The vocabulary and back words writing
Fuck you
I'm still going to write
And I'm not the only one to walk in a room to back track
Dazed because my brain waves created peaks to high to ride
This fight I fight
Far more easier then the fight
I fight inside
But it's the fighter that keeps surprising me
Words escape me