Hi, there! My name is Na'Diah, and I am one of Fighting Pretty's Brand Ambassadors!

Now, before you get too excited, you won’t be reading about Beyoncé and Jay-Z sightings, velvet couches, or expensive liquor. I’m going to be giving you a glimpse into a couple life events since my membership into a special club began.
It all started in March 2016 at 33 years old with my Breast Cancer-Ductal Carcinoma in Situ diagnosis. After processing the news, making treatment decisions based on the future I refused to let cancer rob me of, and a whirlwind of appointments and surgeries, it was time to explore my “new normal”.
2 years after my diagnosis, active treatment was over and I really didn’t know how I felt about not seeing my medical team on a regular basis. I started doing ALL the things in an attempt to make up for the time lost. But, after a while, it was clear that I couldn’t out-busy my need to unpack why I was numb, despite everything that had changed, and was changing in my life.
I finally booked my first session, committed to therapy, did the work, and received my unofficial Survivor Acceptance Certification. I was ready to go out and live again!
Fast forward to 6 years of NED (no evidence of disease) and it’s time to celebrate how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown since my diagnosis! The guest list is complete for my 7 year cancer-free anniversary celebration, and my 40th birthday solo trip to Antigua is booked. But, little did I know what 40 had in store for me!
On June 13, 2023, I received the biggest news yet: ”You’re pregnant!"
I wanted to be excited because a family and children has always been the desires of my heart. But, I didn’t know if the pregnancy would be viable. So, back to therapy I went.

Every week, I worked to unpack how I was feeling about the pregnancy and separate the joy of pregnancy from my breast cancer experience. And, after an excellent 20 week anatomy scan, I was ready to announce my blessing! The prenatal visits were going well and my oncologist follow-ups confirmed that I was indeed very pregnant with a perfectly healthy baby boy. What joyful news!
On December 4, 2023, I celebrated 40 years of life carrying new life and on February 10, 2023, I welcomed my own little miracle, Grayson Idris!

So, now you know that the first "40" in the 40/40 club is obviously my age. But, what does the second "40" mean?
The second "40" represents the population of the breast cancer community that I represent. Black women are dying at a 40% higher rate than white women.
While I’m happy to celebrate 40 years of life and becoming the mom I never thought I could be, I was, and always will be, a cancer patient.
Most importantly, I can’t ignore the disproportionate impact breast cancer has on Women of Color.
You see, Club 40/40 has an exclusive membership with life-changing events. But, maintaining this membership has its challenges.
All in all, I am so grateful to be where I'm at and so delighted to have had the opportunity to share my story with you all.

You can follow along with Na'Diah and see her journey here.